
The Laboratory team benefits greatly from the valuable collaboration of professors and researchers from the DCFM, other departments at UFES, and important partner institutions. Currently, we have the contributions of the following researchers:

Researcher Genilda Canuto Amaral (Universidad de Huelva/Espanha) 

Researcher Rogério Noia Júnior (Technische Universität München/Alemanha) 

Prof. Paulo Cezar Cavatte (Depto. de Biologia/CCENS/UFES)

Prof. Geraldo Rogério Cuzzuol (Depto. de Ciências Biológicas/CCHN/UFES)

Researcher José Ricardo Macedo Pezzopane (Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste)

Profa. Elzimar de Oliveira Gonçalves (DCFM/CCAE/UFES)

Prof. Rodrigo Sobreira Alexandre (DCFM/CCAE/UFES)

Prof. Roberto Avelino Cecilio (DCFM/CCAE/UFES)

Prof. Gilson Fernandes da Silva (DCFM/CCAE/UFES)

Prof. Alexandre Rosa dos Santos (Depto. de Engenharia Rural/CCAE/UFES)

Prof. Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira (DCFM/CCAE/UFES)  

Prof. Miguel Angel Herrera Machuca (UCO/Espanha)

Prof. José Luiz Penetra Cerveira Lousada (UTAD/Portugal)

Prof. Waldir Cintra de Jesus (Depto. de Agronomia/UFSCAR)

Prof. Juan Ramon Molina Martinez (UCO/Espanha)

Prof. Manuel Fernández Martínez (UHU/Espanha)