The Laboratory

The Laboratory of Meteorology and Forest Eco-physiology (LMEF) belongs to the Department of Forest Sciences and Wood (DCFM) of the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), located in the city of Jerônimo Monteiro, southern Espírito Santo State.

LMEF has four climate-controlled greenhouses and three growth chambers (fitotron type) that enable the simulation of various meteorological conditions for plant studies in the soil-atmosphere system. With the equipment available in support units, such as the meteorological instrumentation laboratory, the plant eco-physiology laboratory, and the plant growth analysis laboratory, it is possible to conduct studies on microclimatic characterization, eco-physiological responses, and growth of important forest species under controlled conditions.

Currently, various studies are being conducted focusing on the impacts of climate change on the growth and development of native forest species from Brazilian biomes and commercially interesting exotic species, especially eucalyptus.

The laboratory employs students from the Graduate Program in Forest Sciences at UFES (PPGCFL) and undergraduate research fellows from the Forestry Engineering course, as well as students from other graduate programs at UFES.